Sunday, February 5, 2012

You Are

I was just thinking of some things I wanted to say to a dear friend that I've known for years when this phrase popped into my head, "You are the Ultimate Healer of Yourself."  I mentally uttered it again, and I mentally shook with the power of this statement.  It's true, as any good healer or healthcare provider can attest.

Now I have nothing against traditional healthcare, I don't always agree with some of the methods, but I don't agree with all alternative care methods either.  And a short jump back in history compared to today can lead to some quite disturbing methods of care based on the knowledge and resources they had and what was commonplace.  So really it's always evolving and moving forward.

My point is that no matter what direction or suggestion you are given, you are ultimately the one who has to do the healing.  Dr. A can prescribe you a medication to take every day or for so many days, but if you don't take it it won't do you any good.  And if you do take it but don't follow the other directives given by Dr. A or Pharmacist B it won't do much if any good either.  You have to remember, and you have to take it properly - end of story.   The same goes with other methods.  If your dietician or nutritionist suggest you lay off this food or watch these levels and you don't, it won't matter what they said.   And if you see a therapist, counselor, alternative health practitioner or any other slew of health and healing providers and work against their directions you are unlikely to find yourself anywhere but deep in the hole with your issue, ailment, or whatever problem.

I have to say though, it's a little more than that.  Sometimes we carry with us deep problems physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual that just eat away at the core of our strength.  They wear on us constantly and we feel as though we can't get away from them.  Sometimes even though you'd love to go off the meds you just can't because physically or otherwise you're not equipped to "go it alone".  Especially in those cases follow your care plan to the letter, seek help, give the fullest effort you can.  But understand it's okay to feel frustrated and that worrying, while understandable, certainly won't help.  But forgive yourself, allow yourself to be human and then pick yourself up - surround yourself with support in all the ways that you can and do your best to keep moving forward.

Healing doesn't generally happen in a day.  You certainly didn't develop whatever issue is bothering you in a day (even when it seems "overnight") so allow it to take at least that long to let up.  And know that healing doesn't necessarily mean that it's 100% gone.  Sometimes healing is maintaining and being able to get through the day, feel a bit better, and being able to go on even when you don't otherwise feel like it.  Healing is being able to appreciate the good you have, acknowledge the less than good and still be okay about it.  It's learning from one's mistakes, and embracing things as they are without becoming victim to what may not feel so great.  It's about struggling, releasing, letting go, winding down, moving up and the constant change one may feel throughout life - but still living.

Here's to that wild ride and all the interesting things along the way.

Love & Light,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Your Psychic Senses

I was discussing Friday with a dear friend about psychic senses and receiving messages.  I pointed out that even though messages sometimes come at inopportune times (when we'd rather be doing something else) the natural, developed ability to receive messages should be appreciated as there are many who have difficulty with the ability.

This led to this post where I want to share my own experience with the psychic sense and its development.

We're all familiar with our five senses, the physical senses of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing.  We are born with them generally at a certain level which develops to what we are used to by school age.  While some are color blind to varying degrees, blind, or deaf generally we're all on the same level.  We can't develop them further with practice - the range you can hear is the range you can hear.  Although with age, illness, and accident we can lose them.  And sometimes they can be slightly augmented, as with the case of hearing aids and glasses - but only so much.  So really they're rather limited when you consider it.

The psychic senses however usually are not fully developed when we are born, though certainly easy enough to access.  As with most things we must learn to use them, and yet most don't.  Training with them typically involves protection and learning to sense more closely or fully.  But in that we are highly variable.  What you may be naturally strong at I may not, and vice versa.  The benefit of the psychic senses is that they develop in a way that works best for you.  You will receive messages that you are capable of receiving.  But in that it can make learning difficult if your teacher or mentor does not receive in the same way.  And sometimes we receive in ways we'd rather not, and not in ways we'd like.  But even with that we have a lot more freedom and control over these senses than our physical ones.

The trouble is that when we are most open, as children, we often lack the understanding and capability to understand the complexity of the psychic senses.  We may innately accept the messages and not differentiate between them and physical reality but the imagination of a child is similarly colorful and at a young age may get mixed up in that too.  Many who are empathic have the same problem of having trouble in developing their ability as those working with the psychic senses.  While there is literature out there it is directed at adults and based on the ideas and experiences of the author.  Plainly put it just may not work for you.

There is no right or wrong way to develop one's senses really, it just takes practice and honest, open observation.  We must learn to listen to the signs we are given before we try to interpret them.  Then it's important to understand that some signs are not literal but figurative.  Certain senses may come through one way but another at a different time.  We might find that certain messages are received in a certain way too - like a feeling of danger preceding one, but have something audible happen when spirits are near.

Some tips:

  • Be open.  Don't expect your senses to develop in any particular way.   Everyone's senses develop in the way that is best for them to receive.
  • Observe carefully without expectation.  Even after one or more of your senses starts to develop it may be some time before you get a strong message.  Do not ignore even things that seem like insignificant messages.
  • Practice.  As with anything this is a skill, it takes time and effort to develop.  And as you cannot necessarily quantify your results it can be hard to measure precisely how much you're doing.
  • Tools can help.  Many enter the practice of developing their psychic sense by using divinatory objects.  These give you a physical middle man through which to receive messages.  They may also help with a specific sense.
  • Find a community.  Talking with others who have or are developing their senses can help you as well.  They may point out pitfalls or have suggestions.
  • Immerse yourself in learning.  While there is not one single "must read" for those trying to develop their senses there are a number of practices and resources that can certainly help.
  • Most of all - be patient.  You likely weren't born with knowledge of how to do complicated things like driving or communicating verbally, so you will need time for this as well.

Share with us, in your search and study to develop your psychic senses what have you learned?  What has or hasn't worked for you?
